Dark Threat Fabrication Proudly offers powder coating services. Located in central Arkansas, we have a 12ft. X 10ft. X 32ft. Powder Booth, with a 10 X 10 X 30ft. Batch Oven that we can powder coat your production parts or large parts with ease.
Adding a coating to your parts helps parts from rusting as well as adding a nice color. With metal fabrication and powder coating in the same shop, we are your one stop shop for powder coating solutions. Powder coating near me.
Powder Coating in Arkansas, Production Powder Coating, Large Batch Powder Coating, Large Batch Baking,
Powder coating, Painting, Coatings in Arkansas, Powder coatings, Color to metal, painting or coating on metal, Coating in Arkansas,

When it comes to metal parts, protection is paramount. We offer top-of-the-line Powder Coating services that shield your parts against weather and rust, extending their lifespan and durability. But that's not all - our powder coating doesn't just protect; it can also add a splash of color! With our 12’x10’x32’ Powder Booth and a 10’x10’x30’ Batch Oven, our facilities can accommodate all your powder coating needs. Whether it's a small batch or large-scale production, we have more than enough room to ensure every part is expertly coated, providing a finish that stands out.